EC 2020 - Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Innovations
Offered by the Career Guidance Unit
Credit Value and Hours
Credit Value: 1C
Hours: 30P
This course entails topics including definitions, concepts and importance of enterprise and entrepreneurship; the entrepreneurs’ role and personality; environment for entrepreneurship; entrepreneurship in practice: ideas, innovations at individual, group and organizational levels, business strategies and plans; basics of operations, finance, marketing and human resource management, case studies.
Intended Learning Outcomes
On completion of the course the students would be able,
- To apply the fundamentals and background of Enterprise entrepreneurship & Innovation.
- To evaluate professionals’ journey in business field and learn how to develop their career, overcome the obstacles facing, towards becoming a successful businessman.
- To plan business models and create self-confidence involve with entrepreneurial activities.
Course contents
These workshops would be conducted by industry specialists with specific domain knowledge.
What are theory and fundamentals of Enterprise Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Guest Talk “My Journey" by businessmen, Training sessions on 'Developing a successful business plan', Potential business areas will be identified and assigned to students, Further training on developing the business plan and Presentation Skill Development, Development of a business proposal.
Method of evaluation
Group presentation and viva voce based on development of a business proposal.
Total marks allocation 100%
- Business proposal – 50%
- Presentation & Viva – 50%
Evaluation will be carried out by 3 panel members
EC 2020 Best Business Plan Award
A certificate award will be presented by the Colombo Science and Technology Cell (Colombo Cell) Technology Transfer Office of the Faculty of Science to a student who gets the highest marks for the business proposal (report and presentation combined) subject to a minimum criteria.
- This will be presented at the completion of the course and 80 % participation in course activities is a prerequisite.
- Awadee will get an opportunity to develop the idea further with consultation support by the Colombo Cell.

Student Feedback

Mr. Chamod Kaushal
I have developed my Teamwork and creativity, Time management and organizational skills, Communication and listening skills by engaging myself in EC 2020 course. I hope to deliver successful business as of the knowledge and skills I have gathered from this course.

Ms. Omali Wimarshana
I followed Business, entrepreneurship and innovation (EC2020) as one of my enhancement courses.
It was well organized, and the content was amazing. The webinars organized in collaboration with EI club was informative and was really interesting as we got the chance to interact with the business greats like Dr. Beshan Kulapala. Overall, the course was very useful.